Rushton Classic Engineering Ltd
Rushton Classic Engineering
Referred to as RCE
Defects in new materials used to complete the agreed work
Defects in workmanship under normal use.
Defects in new components used to complete the agreed work
Our liability:
We will repair or replace the defective product used in the agreed work .
We will remedy any defects due to a fault in our workmanship.
3 months from the date the project or car leaves our premises.
Location where remedial work is to be carried out and other conditions:
Any warranty work is carried out at the premises of RCE and by RCE.
No liability is taken for transportation unless specifically agreed in writing by RCE.
No monetary liability or warranty liability is taken for work carried out by a third party unless specifically agreed prior in writing by RCE.
Any work carried out by a third party will invalidate the remaining warranty period unless specifically agreed in writing prior by RCE.